trace minerals

美 [treɪs ˈmɪnərəlz]英 [treɪs ˈmɪnərəlz]
  • 微量矿物质
trace mineralstrace minerals
  1. Why are trace minerals so important ?


  2. Trace minerals : for use only as nutrient or enhancement and the varieties and dosage must meet the national standards .


  3. To research the effect of trace minerals on lipid metabolism .


  4. Selenium is one of the essential trace minerals in the human body .


  5. Dynamic observation of serum trace minerals during hip arthroplasty


  6. Objective : To investigate the lipid metabolism at receptor level in obese children and its relation to trace minerals .


  7. Study on surplus-deficit regularity of several essential trace minerals in feedstuff for growing-finishing pigs


  8. Nectar is composed of sugars and some trace minerals , so it 's usually sweet .


  9. However , there are several trace minerals that also have an important role to play in developing optimal bone health , but their exact function is not so clearly understood .


  10. Earp-Thomas had discovered that plants may look normal but if the soil is deficient in beneficial trace minerals , the plant will absorb instead the elements available – possibly to toxic levels .


  11. It is comprehensive , systemic and scientific that the feedstuffs standard of dairy cattle prescribes nutrient requirement of trace minerals and vitamins or concentrate mixture for different physiological phases dairy cattle .


  12. Think of taro root as the potato 's healthier cousin . It has more fiber than a potato and is a good source of potassium , vitamin C , calcium , vitamin E , B vitamins , and trace minerals .


  13. The experimental results show that in the edible portion of red oceanic squid the contents of crude protein and fat are approximately 20 % and 1 % , respectively as well as trace minerals such as calcium , phosphorus , iron and zinc .


  14. Changes of Serum Trace Elements and Minerals in Renal Transplantation Patients


  15. Determination of trace lead in minerals and rocks by absorptive polarographic wave method


  16. A method for determination of trace barium in minerals by FAAS has been described .


  17. It also contains some moisture and the trace metals and minerals found in the rest of the body .


  18. The methed has been applied to determination of trace antimony in minerals with satisfactory results .


  19. Must be that clean mountain spring water , which is important because it contains trace elements and minerals the skin needs most .


  20. A method for the determination of trace zirconium in minerals containing tantalum and niobium after separation by extraction has been proposed which is easy in operation and has higher accuracy .


  21. While raw , unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals ; niacin , riboflavin , thiamine and vitamin B6 , they only make up about two per cent of honey 's total content .


  22. Discrimination of trace elements and heavy minerals applied in the classification and correlation of tertiary system at the piedmont of West Kunlun


  23. Using sulfhydryl cotton fiber for separating the coexisting ions , the method can be applied to the determination of trace of arsenic in minerals , rocks and other samples of complex matrix .


  24. The discrimination of trace elements and heavy minerals is applied to solve the long-existing problems of the classification and correlation of puzzling red strata in the piedmont of West Kunlun .


  25. Phase equilibrium and trace element partitioning between minerals and melt in the metabasalt system : constraints on the formation conditions of TTG / adakite magmas and the growth of early continental crust
